Monday, January 10, 2011

The price of serving

This past weekend’s tragic events in Tucson have left many of us groping for answers to the why of this most recent episode of violence against one of the public figures of our nation and evokes more of a person commentary on the event and life of the public servants of our nation.

Elected officials know that they are always public people. Privacy in many ways becomes a thing of the past. Sadly, these days they also recognize that they take on certain risks.

This whole affair is a deeply troubling situation. Tikkun has reminded their community that Rep. Gifford, the primary target of the lone gunman, is a Jew.  Their concern, to raise awareness of anti-semitism and violence toward “other” should not be overlooked.

What I have found curious is the limited discourse regarding gun control. Troubling to me is the report that now, some congressmen say they will be carrying their own handgun for self protection. . . As if  Representative Gifford ever would have been able to draw and shot in self-defense... enough said.

My own heart breaks to think of the families who have already lost loved ones as a result of one man's unstable mental health. There is much brokenness in this world we walk on. Many places requiring the healing and reconciling presence of G_D.

Christians, let us not loose sight of our high and holy callings.

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